
Showing posts from November, 2020

A Farewell...

  Final Reflection Science Methods Course Reflection This semester has been nothing but chaos, yes I am not only referring to our world but our classes as well. I understand the struggle many of my teachers were going through trying to master virtual tools while administering them as if they have known them for years. These trying times forced everyone to take a step back and look at things in a new light. This course has made me view virtual teaching in a new light. I have learned about so many digital resources and methods that I most likely would not have known about without coivd19. Below I want to break up my learning into three categories:  Course Gainings, Personal Growth, and Professional Growth.  Course Gainings:  From reading and reflecting on our textbook I have learned so much about teaching children science: A discovery approach, the methods of teaching it, and even the reasons for teaching it. Prior to this course and reading and learning all that I have I did not really

The Magic Four

 Science Group Four Lesson Reflection Direct Instruction Reflection Concepts being taught:  Tertiary Consequences of CC Increase in Heat Increase in Heavy Precipitation  The decrease in Sea Ice Famine Population Displacement Bell Curve Jet Stream Engagement methods used:  Pear Deck, Memory Check, Mental check-in, Stop & Think, Matching Time, Google Forms, Brain Breaks Tech Tool-Kit Resources : Word Cloud, Youtube Inquiry-based Instruction Reflection Questions asked:  Does anyone remember what tertiary means? Can anyone name at least one of the five tertiary effects of climate change? Activity: Saving Peter the Penguins Home...Answering the question of how Climate Change affects the penguins in Antarctica Independent Practice: Create a poster to be published in penguin weekly that tells the world how CC is affection Antarctica and our penguins Engagement methods:  Brain Break, Sharing thoughts and work,  Teacher Took Kit Resources:  Jamboard, Youtube Timer, Youtube videos, article