Let's Jam with Google Jamboard


Let's Jam with Google Jamboard

To get an idea of what Google Jamboard just imagine a virtual whiteboard with multiple participant access. Jamboard empowers students to share ideas and collaborate. This semester we utilized jamboard in our lessons while teaching to get quick student feedback. It was a great tool to utilize in this sense, although there were some sharing accessibility issues here and there. The really great thing about it is that students can pull files from their own drive and collaborate with jamboard which was a feature we did not use this semester but I will continue to look into. In turn, it truly is a wonderful addition to google classroom and virtual teaching. 

As a future educator, I plan to use jamboard as perhaps a classroom response system or just the way we have been using it this semester. It is a valuable tool to have access to. 


  1. I also enjoyed learning about Jamboard this semester. I am still learning about it and playing around with it. I did not know that students could pull files from google drive and use Jamboard to collaborate. I will be looking into using Jamboard as well in my classroom.

  2. Hey Julia, I have to agree with your post. I absolutely loved Jamboard. I remember forgetting to turn on edit during our lesson but quickly figuring it all out! I think that it is a great resource to use when brainstorming ideas or needing to quickly answer a prompt. I loved that students could customize the colors of their posts so they can put their own little personal twist on it.


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